Turning Interest Into Action
AAE will assign member organisations to organise working groups on core thematic areas during the member consultation process on the way to the Strategic Framework 2022 - 2025. These core thematic areas will be identified during phase 2 of the consultation process. Organisations that fill in the survey and declare their willingness to take over the lead of a working group in the survey are asked to describe their qualification to prepare, implement, and present the results of the working group. Member organisations can only apply for one chosen core thematic area working group lead.
Selection criteria
A committee of three people will select working group leads on the basis of the quality of the description of the application in the survey. Selection criteria are:
experience of the organisation with regard to the chosen core thematic area
quality of working group implementation suggestions
quality of suggestions of AAE’s work on the core thematic area in the future framework
The assigned organisation will take over the following tasks in close cooperation with the AAE Office:
Identification of working group members
Communication with working group members in preparation of the working group meeting
Preparation of a cca. 2-hour online meeting of the working group
Facilitation of the working group meeting
Written report of the working group results
Presentation of important working group results during the AAE Member Meeting on November 10, 2020
The assigned member organisation will receive a remuneration of 900,00 EUR after concluding the above described tasks.